How to Find Your Value as a Solo Practitioner with Gabriel Cheong [GWL 12]

Gabriel is a Family Law attorney and the owner and principal attorney of the Infinity Law Group out in Quincy, Massachusetts. Gabriel started his own law firm straight out of law school.  His law firm grew steadily for the first year until he had the opportunity to purchase the law firm where he once interned in law school.  In 2008, Gabriel purchased Infinity Law Group and is now running a law firm while blogging, marketing, and giving seminars on marketing and law practice management on a regular basis.

In this episode, you’ll learn:

Why he considers himself brave, crazy, and a little stupid for opening his own firm straight out of law school.

How his 4 externships during law school helped him figure out what practice area he wanted to go into and gave him a ton of hands on experience

How to limit the amount of hours you work as a solo practitioner.

How to leave your clients’ emotions at work and not bring it home with you.

How to turn your weaknesses into strengths when it comes to becoming an “expert” in something. Tap into what you already know and put it out there.

Why, as lawyers, we are an esteemed profession and we need to give back to our communities through pro bono volunteering…and how volunteering (selfishly) helps you be a lawyer.

Never undervalue your services just to sell yourself to clients because clients actually want a very expensive attorney that they can’t usually afford.


Always work either full price or for free but never work for cheap.

Recommended Reading:

Carolyn Elefant – Solo by Choice, Second Edition: How to Be the Lawyer You Always Wanted to Be (affiliate link*)

Action item:

There are a lot of free resources online offering free advice. Read everything you can get your hands on.

Contact Info:

Twitter: @gabrielcheong

Facebook: Gabriel Cheong


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