To Thrive, You Must Challenge the Status Quo with Sam Glover [196]

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Joining me today is Sam Glover, Founder and Editor-in-Chief of, an online community of innovative lawyers building the future of law and a place for lawyers to learn how to start, manage, and grow a modern law practice
Sam is just splendid and I think by the end of this episode, you will see why. Sam’s vision of what the future of law can and should be is refreshing and definitely worth listening to, especially if you’re a lawyer who wishes to build a law practice that thrives in the future. Along with learning more about the Small Firm and Solo Practice Score Card, which can help lawyers assess their strengths and ascertain how to improve and grow, we also dive into Sam’s life as a father of two daughters and an avid skateboarder.
Resources Mentioned:
Jordan Furlong’s book – Law is a Buyer’s Market
Rebecca Sandefur’s study
Contact Information:
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